Blog Report

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Missouri Woman Crashes Car Twice in One Evening After Huffing Behind the Wheel

Via the Gasconade County Republican in Missouri:

A 32 year old woman crashed two different borrowed vehicles in one evening after huffing computer dusting spray.

Just after 10 pm on May 29th police arrived at the scene of the crash and the woman was clutching a can of duster behind the wheel. A highway sign leg was sheared off and the woman couldn't recall what had happened between the crash and when she just previously left a local Wal-Mart. She was examined at the scene, declined medical attention, and was cited and released to a family member. The citations were for "inhalation (of) fumes to cause certain reaction" and "driving while intoxicated/drugged condition."

After being released she borrowed her sister's boyfriend's car and drove to Wal-Mart to obtain more computer dusting spray. After leaving the store, a mere 4 hours after her first crash, she "took out another sign and ran across the road into a ditch", landing 500 feet from the scene of her earlier crash. She was arrested, brought to jail, and cited for "careless driving." 

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