Blog Report

Monday, March 14, 2011

Huffing Leads to Arrests

Courtesy of the Payson Roundup
Payson, AZ

Payson police officials say that they have seen a resurgence in huffing and substance abuse in the last four months.

Police watched from a patrol vehicle while a teen stumbles out of a park bathroom with a can of dust remover held to his nose. The watched the teen take two deep breaths from the can. When they entered the bathroom, they witnessed a group of teens getting high off of the cans of dust remover.

On Jan 21, three teens (14,16, 17) were arrested after being caught huffing behind a Wal-Mart. Both the 16 and 17 year old users reported that they were also under the influence of other substances.

They were transported to the emergency room and then to the Gila County Juvenile Detention Center because they were both on probation.

Both were later charged with several felonies.

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