Blog Report

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Putting A Freeze On Inhalants, Refrigerant

From (May 28):

With summer on the horizon, some doctors believe it is not the heat we should worry about but the cold. Medical practitioners are warning people about inhalant abusers using air conditioner to get high.

Refrigerant, a gas emitted from A/C units, is the next step for some. It is accessible and free, which cuts the already low financial costs of inhalant abuse down to zero. Doctors warn long and short term side effects can be visible after the first use. "And the problem is people don't realize that there is a chance and risk of death" one doctor admits.

Heating and cooling companies have caught people on tape using the A/C for their dangerous high. "We've had several customers that after doing a job, found out it was leaking again after we had fixed it again...[we] discovered on a security camera that somebody was actually coming over and sniffing it at night."

The solution? Purchase a lock from your local heat and air company- about $30.

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