Blog Report

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Huffing Incidents in Arkansas

From the BaxterBulletin.Com in Mountain Home, Arkansas:

Mountain Home Police are concerned about the recent increase in the use of computer dusters to get high.

This past month they have responded to two local cases. In the first, a 28-year old female was found slumped over her steering wheel in a parking lot. When the police arrived, she begin inhaling from a can of computer dusting spray.

In the second, a 27-year-old female was also found in her car in a parking lot. Within the car police found an empty can of the dusting spray and another half empty bottle. She was “arrested and charged with breathing, inhaling or drinking certain intoxicating compounds, a misdemeanor.”

Lt. Nevin Barnes from the Mountain Home police's criminal investigations division noted thattwo of the last three cases of huffing computer dusting spray that he has personally dealt with resulted in death.

For more information on the dangers of huffing computer dusters, please read our Computer Duster FAQ sheet

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