Blog Report

Friday, December 18, 2009

Couple Sniffs Glue In Front Of Child

From in Louisiana

A mother and father are in jail after authorities caught them sniffing glue while driving their 2-month-old child from a local shopping mall early Thursday. According to police reports the couple was initially pulled over by “a member if the sheriff’s Interstate Crime Enforcement Unit” for excessive speeding- traveling 77 mph in a 60 mph zone. However upon approaching the vehicle, the deputy “smelled the overwhelming odor of a toxic chemical, saw several glue tubes on the floorboard, and observed glue particles on the lips, noise, hands, and clothing of the couple.”

After submitting to police questioning the noticeably impaired couple, both 26, admitted they had been sniffing glue while on their way home from a shopping trip with their child. Both are being charged with “abuse of toxic vapors and cruelty to a juvenile.” The infant was taken to a nearby medical center for evaluation and is currently in the custody of Child Protective Services.

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