Blog Report

Monday, September 14, 2009

In Remembrance of Sierrah Le Yarbrough

Today, September 14, 2009 would have marked Sierrah Yarbrough’s 14th birthday; a milestone family members, friends, and loved ones will have to celebrate alone. Despite Sierrah’s absence, her life will never be forgotten- as her memory will resonate in the hearts and souls of those who knew her best.

On August 27, 2008 just a few weeks shy of her 13th birthday, Sierra Le Yarbrough, of Hannibel, Missouri passed away at University of Missouri Hospital in Columbia as a result of ‘huffing.’ Her death came as a shock to many in the community who described Sierrah as “a good kid.” Yarbrough was transported to Columbia for medical care after she was found unresponsive in her bed; allegedly after inhaling aerosol hair spray. Despite receiving extensive medical attention she was unable to regain consciousness and died.

Hannibal resident Tomika Kyle expressed her sentiments on the tragedy just days after organizing Sierrah’s memorial service; “determined that something positive [would] come out of this loss… encouraging adults to rally together to help find something [constructive] for teens to do with their idle time” in an effort to circumvent future tragedies.

More information on the life and legacy of Sierrah Le Yarbrough can be viewed here.


Anonymous said...

I was a close friend of hers. She was a wonderful girl, and not a day goes by that I dont wish that someone wouldnt have taught her this. I miss her so much, and everday me and her other friends think about her. It tears us apart, and for months after her death I would have horrible nightmares about her death. Even after a little over a year and a half, we still act like it was just yesterday. She was a wonderful person. She was so beautiful, and I wish I would have stopped it. I didnt get to see her at all our 7th grade year. She was there for like the 1st day, and almost everyone saw her. She was in different classes then me, and I didnt see her. I figured, hey i'll see her later and never did. On the day of her death, when my friends told me that she died, I didnt believe them. I was like, no, Sierrah? No way! When I found out that it was true, I skipped class and cried my eyes out all day. I met her in 3rd grade, and we'd became close friends. The school doesnt even do a moment of silence for her, but this high school kid who died in a reck gets one every year. It's not right. She died too. Yeah, she could have stopped it but still it's not right.

Tiara Bonner said...

I know how you feel she was and always will be bestfriends i still today think about her and what life would be like if she were here,, i think it is terrible that she had to die and i always wonder how hard it was and is to stay strong when here death date and birthday comes along!! I loved her we were really close and its not the same with out her but to put things on the bright side i know ill see her again, fly with the butterflies sunshine i love you!!

Cassie Calvert said...

I know what its like i had known her ever since we were babies. Her mom and my mom went to school together and i was with her that night and i asked her if she wanted to stay the night with me and she said no and i knew she was going to do something bad and she did.