Blog Report

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LA Times Editorial: Combating A Deadly Pastime For Teens

California lawmakers continue to combat inhalants- battling to secure tougher legal sanctions associated with the distribution, sale, and purchase of chemical substances. Despite one's disinterest in political affairs or lack of Californian residency, the efforts being extended in California are undeniably groundbreaking; as media outlets across the nation continue to expose the stifling reality that is- inhalant abuse. On Monday July 27, 2009 an editorial submission from active ACE advocate Janna Zuber recieved publication in California's Los Angeles Times, enlightening readers as to the pertinent issues encompassing inhalant addiction.

Combating A Deadly Pastime For Teens
By Janna D. Zuber

Three cheers to The Times for its July 19 article, "Los Angeles youths' nitrous oxide use has adults taking action." Inhalant abuse can and does kill. Too often, abusers underestimate the toxicity of inhalants; they think that computer duster is just "canned air," or that airfreshener, spray paint, and the myriad other household items in our homes and offices are safe to inhale because we (the parents) do not know to warn our children. Consequently, as The Times' article makes clear, inhaling nitrous oxide now outpaces marijuana use as the drug of choice for Los Angeles middle-school students.

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,1717897.story.

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